Thursday, September 10, 2015

Something To Think About

First they came for millions of our unborn babies, and His people did not fight the abortionists for fear of being called male chauvinist pigs, sexists, and oppressors.

Then they came to defile us sexually, and His people did not fight the sexual deviants for fear of being called homophobes.

Then they came for our national borders, and His people did not fight the illegal Mexicans and the Muslim infiltrators for fear of being called xenophobes, Islamophobes, and statists.

Then they came for our conservative Congress, and His people did not fight the RINOs and the communists for fear of being called uncooperative extremists.

Then they came for our Presidency, and His people did not fight Obama and his insurgents for fear of being called racists.

Then they came for our debt-free sovereign money, and His people did not fight the owners and employees of the Federal Reserve banking crime syndicate for fear of being called naive and unsophisticated.

Then they came for our churches, and His people did not fight the pacifist apostate pastors and priests spewing eunuch hermeneutics for fear of being called intolerant bigots.

Then they came for our military, and His people did not fight the sequestering political insurgents trying to disarm us for fear of being called war mongers and colonialists.

Then they came for our America, and His people did not fight because they were no longer Americans and there was no fight in them.

Then He came back for His people, but He did not know them -- so He left them.

(See Matthew 7:19-23, then Nehemiah 4:14.)

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